Bryan Wong


Hello! My name is Bryan, I'm 21 years old, and I'm born and raised in Queens, New York. My ethnic background is chinese, my dad was born in Hong Kong and my mom was born in Shanghai. For high school, I attended Stuyvesant and now I am a current senior at the University of Miami. At UM, I am studying Business Technology and Finance because of my interest in technology, innovation, and investments. I bring a strong background in business, finance, technology, crypto, and investments and I am always looking forward to contribute my insights! I love New York City like nowhere else and want to live here after I graduate college. Fun fact, my middle name is Lucas after George Lucas!

Professional Goals

My professional goal is to be an Investment / Research Analyst for a large institution. I enjoy analyzing investment opportunities to generate alpha, keeping up-to-date with market trends, and researching new technologies and ideas. I love being a part of executive decision-making processes and contributing to a firm's success.

Ideally, I would love to work in the crypto industry. It is early-staged, fast-paced, and constantly evolving. I've been involved for the past 3 years - and I love the community here, learning about the innovative technologies, and I think there is a lot of investment and career growth potential. That said, I am also open to working in the traditional finance and the banking industry, it's also important to establish fundamental skills in an established industry.

You can connect with me here on LinkedIn or reach out to me here via Email